$1M Bitcoin, Hyperinflation, and Dedollarization Oh My

Read Time in min.
May 4, 2023
Questions I need to answer:
  • When did BTFP come relative to bank failures?
  • How did everyone know First Republic one fail?
  • Why did the BTFP not save First Republic?
  1. Balaji’s Claims
  1. What’s happened so far
    1. Silvergate
      1. March 8
    2. SVB
      1. March 10
    3. Signature
    4. BitSignal
      1. March 16
    5. BTFP
    6. JPow mild recession
    7. First Republic
  1. Counterarguments
    1. This is bad, we don’t want this to happen (Ben Hunt)
    2. Less QE than claimed
    3. BTFP limits the downside
    4. Government is not rolling out a CBDC
    5. Government is not trying to kill crypto
  1. My View
  1. How to respond?
    1. Don’t settle for money sitting in bank earning next to nothing
      1. Money Market funds
    2. Buy outside assets
      1. Crypto
      2. Precious metals (not ETFs)
      3. Real estate (not REITs)
    3. Consider jurisdiction