Did you know that you’re 42% more likely to complete your goals if you write them down? Furthermore, you’re 7x more likely if you share them! (63% of statistics are made up on the spot)
With this in mind, I want to share what I aspire to in 2025. I’m sure there are other things I’ll want to accomplish as well, but at the outset, these stand out:
Read 12 books
Read the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs
Go on 12 one-on-one dates with Becky
Finish a murph
Fast for 7 total days
Build an MVP with AI tools
Start a business or get more involved with growing Becky’s social media
Harvest honey from my own beehive
100% 5x in a in a row Dual 3-Back every 2 seconds for 60 seconds
If you’re reading this, feel free to ask how I’m doing with these and push me to accomplish them!