Aurora Mercy

Aurora Mercy

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Aurora Mercy Bidlen was born at 8:02 AM on Sunday November 5th, 2023 after a marathon of active labor. She weighed 8 lbs 6 oz, and was 21” long.
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In second cringiest episode of The Office (”don’t freak out, I forbid anybody to freak out”, we didn’t name our daughter after The Office), Michael and Jan (the main character and his girlfriend for the uninitiated) are arguing about having a child. Jan sarcastically says “I am so sorry that I don't want to bring kids into this screwed-up world, okay?” This is increasingly the sentiment in the western world, and for lots of good reasons. The Bible mostly agrees, and claims that this sorry state is the inevitable outcome of the fall, that man is inherently broken, and that we need a savior. Jeremiah laments this reality in Lamentations 3, the pinnacle of the book. But starting in verse 21, he pivots, saying “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” Our daughter’s name is inspired by the mercy of God, which is new every morning. May Aurora be a constant reminder to those around you of God’s steadfast love, great faithfulness, and mercies that are new every morning. Aurora was also inspired by the Northern Lights. May Aurora have a sense of adventure, and be willing to step outside of her comfort zone to chase her dreams. We were shocked to see that Aurora’s birthday offered excellent Northern Lights viewing (thanks for letting us know Eric)!
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My only hope in Aurora’s life is that she is not her own. I pray that Aurora won’t know a day that she doesn’t know Jesus. That she will put her trust in him, and hold dear to his morning mercies.